Cubadak Paradiso Village

By riport - 11:42:00 PM

Cubadak island is located in Indonesia, West Sumatra.

Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, has an international airport that offers daily flights from Jakarta, Medan or Kuala Lumpur. From Singapore ferries rally the Indonesian island of Batam every hour and there are daily flights from there to Padang.

Cubadak Paradiso Village consists of 13 bungalows, 1 Suite bungalow over water, 1 restaurant with annexed kitchen, television and  reading  area, a pier with terrace and bar, a house for the personnel and some minor constructions.

All buildings, except for the personnel house are built on stilts according to the local architecture and made of local essences of wood ; they are covered by palm leaf roofs.

The cottages for the clientele are 12, all facing the sea; Cubadak beach. The maximum capacity of the Village is 35 guests : intimacy and privacy are always afforded even when the resort is full.

The beach stretches over 1,5 km and the land occupied by the Village is around 7 hectares. Electricity is available 24 hours a day and water flows directly from a source of pure mineral water located on the hill.

Cubadak Paradiso Village
Pulau Cubadak - Pesisir Selatan
tel. +62 81 266 03 766
Office: Jl. Batang Arau 88 Blok C7, Padang, Sumatra Barat

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